The JCFC depends on your support to successfully carry out our mission of ensuring care for the underserved.
Make a Gift To The JCFC Today
Founded in 2001 on the principles of Tzedakah (charity/justice) and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) the Jewish Community Free Clinic depends on committed individual support to successfully carry out our mission of ensuring care for the underserved.
We are a community based organization committed to cultivating a sense of belonging and ownership for our supporters.
Donate Today
We encourage you to proudly declare this clinic as your own by participating in one of the following levels of support. Consider giving monthly as part of our Ensuring Care Club to help us sustain our critical mission and meet the rising needs in our community.

The Giving Tree
Choose your giving level and corresponding item to to bear your name on our Giving Tree, installed on our reception area wall. Designed by local artists Marsha Connell and Leslie Gattmann, this creative project allows us to prominently acknowledge you or your group as JCFC Friends and Supporters.
Just as we must continuously keep up our efforts to maintain JCFC operations as a service to those in need, the spirit of the Giving Tree is to sustain your gift moving forward, annually or otherwise, as able.
Legacy Giving
The JCFC has now reached an organizational maturity that we could never have imagined 20 years ago. We have a strong and committed volunteer base, established individual and foundation donors, a dedicated staff, and an established executive leadership team that successfully provides clinical oversight and strategic development. Our board consists of a solid group of leaders who provide guidance and support. We function as a strong organizational unit.
Believing that the need for our services will remain critical, we decided last year that now is the right time to formally launch a Legacy Giving Initiative to help ensure a solid financial future for the JCFC. We have already had a few community members make the promise to include the JCFC in their legacy plan. Legacy Giving provides an organization’s supporters the opportunity to continue to support their lifetime causes through planned giving after they have departed. We invite each of you to join us as we embark on this new JCFC fundraising endeavor.
Reach out to director@jewishfreeclinic.org to learn more.
Event Sponsorship
Sponsoring a Jewish Community Free Clinic Event provides you the unique opportunity to connect with the community, build brand awareness, and show your company’s support of an important cause. Over the past five years the Clinic has built four yearly signature events with more than a hundred guests attending each event. These sold out gatherings now have the reputation of being a wonderful way to get out with friends and colleagues while supporting an effective local cause. In addition to outright sponsorship dollars to offset food and event expenses, the donation of goods and services for our silent auctions is yet another way to support the JCFC’s Clinic fundraising efforts.
Please contact director@jewishfreeclinic.org in our Development Department for more information regarding event sponsorship and donations.
Here is our auction “wish list” to give you an idea of some things that we would like to put together. Anything that you are able to give from the list or otherwise for the cause of ensuring care for the uninsured will be greatly appreciated!
Wine for auction and service
Gift certificates
Gift baskets
Vacation accommodations
Services such as massage, music lessons, etc.
Luxury items such as jewelry, electronics, etc.
Practical items such as housewares, tools, etc.
Handcrafted items such as pottery, quilts, etc.