Let’s work together

Become a Sponsor or Event Donor of the Jewish Free Clinic Today.
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We can't wait to hear from you!

Cultivate a healthy community by supporting the Jewish Community Free Clinic’s 2025 signature fundraiser benefiting low-income adults and children. Help ensure immediate access to affordable care, regardless of religion or immigration status. Support local safety net services while expanding your business presence.

SAVE THE DATE: May 31, 2025 at Sonoma Academy in Santa Rosa.

Be a Works of Heart Sponsor or Silent Auction Donor:

  • Expand visibility in the community 

  • Take an active role in advancing health equity

  • Provide community engagement opportunities for your colleagues

  • Be part of a community wide effort to support local safety net services 

  • Support an event that directly benefits the only COMPLETELY FREE healthcare clinic in Sonoma County. 

Sponsorship Levels

Redwood $18,000: 2 tables of 10. Your corporate or family name and logo on event signage, advertising, and acknowledgments; Recognition live at the event; Full-page ad in program; Social media and website recognition.

Cypress $10,000: 2 tables of 6. Your corporate or family name and logo on event signage, advertising, and acknowledgments; Recognition live at the event; Full-page ad in program; Social media and website recognition.

Oak $5,000: 1 Table of 6. Your corporate or family name and logo on event signage, advertising, and acknowledgments; Recognition live at the event; Half-page ad in program; Social media and website recognition.

Cedar $1000: 2 tickets. Quarter-page ad in the event program with your personal message to the community; Social media and website recognition.

Manzanita $500: Business card size ad in our program with your personal message to the community; Social media and website recognition.

Silent Auction and Event Donors

Silent Auction and event donors who contribute to our meal/beverage service will also receive recognition in our event program, displays, and online through social media & our website. Please include any acknowledgment requirements in your form submission.